Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Clean Reader: Why I Don't Write in Books

If you noticed one thing about me when it comes to talking about my guided journals and workbooks, is that I'm not a fan of writing in my books. It might sound strange to some, books meant to reflect about life and mental health, are usually meant to be written in. If you're unsure what to do with your guided journals or self-help books or wondering why someone like me wouldn’t want to write in something as important as this. I thought I’d dive a little bit into my mind for once. I want to explain why I am the way I am and why I like my books to be crisp and clean, for the most part. In the end you can draw your own conclusions or something!

My Personal Reasons

People would assume it has to do with some kind of fear, of ruining something like the book in my opinion. It’s really not even the case, in fact, my reasoning is a little different. While yes when I pick up a used workbook from a bookstore I don't want a book that's been written in. But it's because, if I found a book to be helpful or entertaining and I want to give it to someone else or use it again, I don't want to be sidetracked by my old notes, and my old opinions, I want to start brand new. 

My other reason has everything to do with being able to organize a regular journal or something digital online, the way that I want it to be organized. Not just that with a journal, I'm able to write notes, I'm able to include things in my entries, that weren't part of the book I had on hand, better yet, I can combine one idea from one guided journal and one from another in the same place, and I don't have to flip back and forth between the two.

Some alternatives to writing in books: 

For those who are like me, that don't like writing in books or those who want to try to do something a little different here are some great alternatives to try.
  • Online journals and blogs: There are many places online or in app form that allow both private and public places to write your answers in. One of my favorite places other than my blog, is Jrnl, it offers both private and public journals, and even has a spot on the page for about me questions if you're into that kind of thing.
  • Word processing apps: Maybe keeping your information online isn't you thing and you're worried about a page or app not working. Word processing apps, like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Libre Office (a free alternative to Microsoft Word), are another easy idea.
    Click here for a free libre office download

  • Voice recording: Writing not your thing at all? You can always record your questions as a memo, using an app or your own phone or computer. Most have a voice memo app included! 
  • Video journaling/vlogging: Vlogging and video journaling is other unique way to work through your thoughts. These videos don't even have to be public or for anyone but yourself and/or your loved ones. 
  • A regular journal: This is the method I chose, I found a journal that I liked at the store, one that I'd want to write my entries in, and have some felt-tipped pens for when I do my guided journaling so that I can be creative! 

There are many reasons why I don’t write in my journals. This is just my opinion and what I want to do with my books.  Each person’s reason for writing or not writing in their books is their own. Wherever you're able to open your mind, clear your mind, and better your mental health is up to you, I hope you enjoy whatever book you're using! 


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