Saturday, May 20, 2023

9 Quotes to Help You Embrace Your Pregnancy Journey

Some days, I need more than just a positive affirmation to feel good about my life. To embrace pregnancy, that's where looking up quotes online comes in. I love reading a good quote and thinking about it. That's why I've decided to share 9 of my favorite pregnancy quotes! Quotes that have you embracing the little life form that's in your womb!

 Quote #1: “It’s a great thing about being pregnant, you don’t need excuses to pee or eat.” ~Angelina Jolie

Quote #2: “Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain ‒ your life will never be the same.” ~Catherine Jones

Quote #3: “No matter how bad my day’s been, it takes one little kick to make everything feel alright.” ~Unknown Author

Quote #4: “To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched—along with body—making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.” ~ Anne Christian Buchanan

Quote #5:“In pregnancy, there are two bodies, one inside the other. Two people live under one skin. When so much of life is dedicated to maintaining our integrity as distinct beings, this bodily tandem is an uncanny fact.”~Joan Raphael-Leff

Quote #6: “I just thought, ‘Oh, I'm going to hide this forever.’ But I ended up getting kind of excited to show the bump, as a badge of pride. Like...I’m a woman! Look at me making a human! I am a goddess!”~Olivia Wilde

Quote #7: “When I was pregnant, I felt filled with life, and I felt really happy. I ate well, and I slept well. I felt much more useful than I’d ever felt before.” ~Suzanne Vega

Quote #8: “It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing.”~ Angelina Jolie

Quote #9: A good way to prepare yourself for parenthood is to talk to rocks because they have similar listening habits.” ~ Rodney Lacroix

No matter what point you are in your pregnancy, there's a possibility that you may not be prepared for what comes next, but knowing that there are quotes, that make you feel less alone, that's what makes pregnancy easier to get through. If there are some quotes about pregnancy that are your favorite that haven't made the cut, that you'd like to me include for my following list of quotes leave them in the comment section, and I'll add it to my reader's favorite quotes post. 


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