Wednesday, May 17, 2023

From Bump to Baby: How to Bond with Your Little One Before Birth

Bonding with your baby can start even before they’re born! It doesn’t matter how far along you are and you don’t need any fancy equipment, to bond with your baby. When your bonding with your baby, you reduce stress, promote fetal development, strengthen your bond with your baby, and even boost your confidence as a parent!

Are you talking to your belly, touching your belly to let your baby know you’re around or are you thinking about the future between you and your unborn? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, surprise! You’re already bonding! But it doesn’t have to stop there, there are other ways you can bond with your baby it’s amazing, isn’t it?

Why You Should Be Bonding

Before I talk about things you can do to bond during your pregnancy I need to get some of the important stuff out of the way. You know the reasons why one should bond. Because the reasons why one should be bonding is very important.

Cortisol and oxytocin are the feel-good, love hormones that reduce stress. Reducing stress is good for both mother and baby. You know how to release those hormones right? Your baby can sense your emotions and knows when you’re happy or sad, and chances are if you’re happier, they’ll feel more secure. And feeling secure in the womb will also make the baby feel secure outside o the womb.

You know that cliché phrase about falling in love with your unborn before you met them? Bonding also gives the phrase a whole new meaning. You know you’re already attached by means of a cord, but you’re also attached by the interactions you’ve had together, even before they’re born.

Ways you can bond with your baby

If you want to bond and you can't think of anyways, these are just a few of the suggestions, there are more ways but these are some of the ways that can help you bond with your baby. 

Talking to them:
Just because they can’t carry on a conversation, you can talk to your baby. You can talk about your hopes and dreams for them, what you’re doing at the moment, or whatever it may be. I often talk to my son when I’m at the store, explaining what I’m buying and I explain what I’m eating before I eat it. Kind of my way of letting him know how things are.
Singing and playing music: When you’re listening to music, it does many things such as relaxing mom, especially if the music is that feel-good kind music that makes you feel good. If you want to sing, it’s fine to sing to them as well, they don’t care if you can’t sing well, all you have to do is sing.

Reading to your baby: It’s never too early to start reading. Reading short engaging stories in a calm tone to your unborn baby.

Massaging your belly: If you want to relax, reduce stress, and stimulate circulation. You relax, and can even connect with your baby through touch.
Do all of the above including your partner in the process: Your partner can also bond with your baby before they're born.

Bonding with your baby costs nothing, and it’s a great way to relax yourself and connect with your unborn. Sing, read, talk, alone or with your partner. Way to go for wanting to bond with your baby! You can try one of my ideas or try your own, try to switch it up if you can. Unborn baby bonding is adorable and beautiful.


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