Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Power of Self-Love: My Personal Journey and the Self-Love Workbook for Women

Mindfulness and self-love go hand in hand, to practice mindfulness you need self-love, and if you have self-love you’ll practice mindfulness. I’m one of those people who haven’t seen the connection until the day came that I needed to have both.

Not too long ago, I picked up the Self-Love Workbook for Women by Megan Logan, because I knew I needed help with self-love, but it wasn’t until I flipped through the book that, my journey to self-love was possible. Here's what I've learned thus far.

Yeah, self-love it's important

When I remember to fill myself with self-love, the self-love is so magical. It changes my point of view on life. I can manage my stress better, and I know if I love myself, I can attract the positivity that I need to get my life going! After doing Google searches, I realized I wasn't alone. Who doesn't need some confidence building and that extra push for everyone in a while? The best person, to give you that confidence, and push in life is yourself, you know what works for you! 

A book for Self Love?

A few weeks ago, I picked up a journal and went to work on my love workbook, put a pedal to the metal, and worked about an hour every day working on the exercises in the book. Writing them down in my journal, so that when I’m done with this book, I can go over it again or give it to someone else who needs to show self-love.

The book helps you embrace who you are, it makes you talk about your insecurities, write letters and messages to yourself, and even make a playlist of songs to help you feel empowered. There are a ton of exercises to teach you a little bit about what self-love really is, and how to properly show yourself some self-love.

So far the journey has been great, I’ve learned where my weak points, but I also learned what makes me awesome for being myself. Especially with the exercise that I did writing down positive things, people have said to me, and going to my husband for suggestions about what people liked about me. It was eye-opening and a great conversational piece for him and I. 

This is one of my songs for my empowerment playlist. I kept the list of songs, I know I'd play over and over again when I need that self-love women empowerment moment. 


Why I chose this book as a guide

When it comes to self-love, I’m one of those people who will have my critical voice stop me in my tracks, or I compare myself to others when I want to do something. Therapy can only work so much for me personally, working on things in my head, on my own has been helpful. That’s exactly why this book became important.  

I jokingly say I picked up the book because I’m a book collector and love all these guided journals and self-help books, but I also knew that self-love has been something that everyone should have, and I was okay to look for help. I love to read, so I picked something that I knew I could grow from, and that I could enjoy, while using colorful pens and a beautiful journal.  

Hows it helped this far

Since reading this book, I think about some of the positive affirmations that I’ve written down and I remind myself that I am important and there were times that I have shown myself self-love. I know how that feels.  I'm now taking five to ten minutes a day has now become commonplace to reflect on my own self-love, and to practice a little bit of mindfulness.

I admit, I’m still struggling especially when it comes to things like trying new things or realizing I don’t have to be afraid of my opinions, and that they’re what make me who I am. But I’m hoping that eventually, I learn how to overcome these hurdles either in the workbook, my therapist, or my own discovery, but that’s fine. It takes time.  

Self-love is beautiful, it makes everyone’s day brighter. Even though this book title says it’s for women, I feel this book can help anyone show some of their own self-love. Once I’m done with the book, I plan on updating everyone on how my love journey is going! Until then, show yourself some respect, and give yourself some self-love. You are worth it!


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