Saturday, June 24, 2023

From Bump to Baby: Transitioning from a Pregnancy Blog posts to baby blog posts

It's time to switch gears a little bit when it comes to pregnancy blog posts, I'm sure there will still be some, but because this blog follows my day-to-day life, I'm no longer pregnant anymore. I believe that this blog is both a learning platform for myself and others and also a way to document my life. That also means documenting my new babies' milestones and experiences and posting things I'm learning about when it comes to pregnancy. 

That doesn't mean that I won't have health, mindfulness, and bonding blog posts, because I will. It's just the change when it comes to pregnancy vs. baby that is going to be changing a lot. 

 A little memory-jogging moment

Some of my favorite blog posts were the ones that taught me to be mindful during pregnancy and reminded me to bond with my unborn baby. Belly story time was even more fun once my baby was born. I even tried to be mindful when I was in labor. Things like that became a valuable moment for me when I was pregnant for obvious reasons. 

Embracing the New

I am starting a list of new baby-related blog posts already! I want to be able to help other new moms. I'm not afraid to bring people along for the new baby journey and create memories, and help others with some more important mommy and baby bonding moments, ways to increase breastmilk production, and things that are hippie related. There are so many new adventures to on now! Who's ready to see what the future holds? I know that I am! 

A bit more about the content

What I expect to be posting about is a ton of cool things that are still unfolding inside this crazy mind of mine.

Milestones. As a mom to a late-term preemie (I'll talk about my birth story soon), I am almost certain there will be personal and learning-related milestones that I think would be a great thing to learn from. 

Parenting Tips. There's going to be a lot more about parenting when it comes to giving some tips that I hope would work for others. Learning, especially when it comes to new babies and children sounds like a whole lot of fun.

Product reviews. I hope to be able to talk about products that I've been able to let you know if the products are a good buy, or do not try a type of thing. Especially when it comes to baby stuff. 

If there are things that you would like to learn and talk about when it comes to pregnancy and would like me to post about. I would really love some suggestions. This blog isn't all about me, I really like to be able to help others along the way as well.

The excitement continues

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon nor do I plan on it. I do understand that there may actually be times when there may not be a post for a few days, just because babies are exhausting, but I do intend to share as many experiences, no matter what they are, or if they're related to babies or one of my other topics or not. If you're not subscribed to my blog or following any of my social media, I encourage everyone to do so! 

Why I Plan on Documenting, the Milestones and Memories of Pregnancy and Stuff

Even though I've been down the "new baby" road before, it's been so long ago that I was down this particular road, and the old, phrase, "They won't stay little for long, so make memories why you can," sticks my head. I won't be writing a baby blog for long either, or so it'll feel, write the posts I can, while I still can. I am one of those moms who aren't a fan of posting pictures of my little one's to strangers, to protect their safety, but when it comes to memories, I am not afraid to talk about milestones, talk about things going on in my life and I'm not afraid to talk a little bit about my pregnancy journey either.

Possible Collaborations in The Future

What I'd really love to do in the future, would be to collaborate with other parents whether it'd be influencers, bloggers, or vloggers, I want to make this blog as much of a cute little family as I can make it.  If I'm able to collab with anyone, either on the parenting aspect or any of my other blog posts. I feel having a whole new perspective would help others on whatever life journey that they are on. If my story or my life doesn't resonate with you, I'm hoping someone else's life story or content will. If you're a blogger, vlogger, influencer, or content creator and you want to submit a post, don't be afraid to message me, I'd love to hear from you. 


The small journey from pregnancy blog to baby blog has been a short one, but I'm so grateful that I have been able to share the journey so far and I'm even more grateful that I'm going to be able to start a new phase when it comes to blogging. Even though this blog is about me, I'm hoping that this journey will be an amazing one. I thank everyone who's read my posts and supported me so far and hope you all keep supporting me!


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