Saturday, June 24, 2023

From Bump to Baby: Transitioning from a Pregnancy Blog posts to baby blog posts

It's time to switch gears a little bit when it comes to pregnancy blog posts, I'm sure there will still be some, but because this blog follows my day-to-day life, I'm no longer pregnant anymore. I believe that this blog is both a learning platform for myself and others and also a way to document my life. That also means documenting my new babies' milestones and experiences and posting things I'm learning about when it comes to pregnancy. 

That doesn't mean that I won't have health, mindfulness, and bonding blog posts, because I will. It's just the change when it comes to pregnancy vs. baby that is going to be changing a lot. 

 A little memory-jogging moment

Some of my favorite blog posts were the ones that taught me to be mindful during pregnancy and reminded me to bond with my unborn baby. Belly story time was even more fun once my baby was born. I even tried to be mindful when I was in labor. Things like that became a valuable moment for me when I was pregnant for obvious reasons. 

Embracing the New

I am starting a list of new baby-related blog posts already! I want to be able to help other new moms. I'm not afraid to bring people along for the new baby journey and create memories, and help others with some more important mommy and baby bonding moments, ways to increase breastmilk production, and things that are hippie related. There are so many new adventures to on now! Who's ready to see what the future holds? I know that I am! 

A bit more about the content

What I expect to be posting about is a ton of cool things that are still unfolding inside this crazy mind of mine.

Milestones. As a mom to a late-term preemie (I'll talk about my birth story soon), I am almost certain there will be personal and learning-related milestones that I think would be a great thing to learn from. 

Parenting Tips. There's going to be a lot more about parenting when it comes to giving some tips that I hope would work for others. Learning, especially when it comes to new babies and children sounds like a whole lot of fun.

Product reviews. I hope to be able to talk about products that I've been able to let you know if the products are a good buy, or do not try a type of thing. Especially when it comes to baby stuff. 

If there are things that you would like to learn and talk about when it comes to pregnancy and would like me to post about. I would really love some suggestions. This blog isn't all about me, I really like to be able to help others along the way as well.

The excitement continues

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon nor do I plan on it. I do understand that there may actually be times when there may not be a post for a few days, just because babies are exhausting, but I do intend to share as many experiences, no matter what they are, or if they're related to babies or one of my other topics or not. If you're not subscribed to my blog or following any of my social media, I encourage everyone to do so! 

Why I Plan on Documenting, the Milestones and Memories of Pregnancy and Stuff

Even though I've been down the "new baby" road before, it's been so long ago that I was down this particular road, and the old, phrase, "They won't stay little for long, so make memories why you can," sticks my head. I won't be writing a baby blog for long either, or so it'll feel, write the posts I can, while I still can. I am one of those moms who aren't a fan of posting pictures of my little one's to strangers, to protect their safety, but when it comes to memories, I am not afraid to talk about milestones, talk about things going on in my life and I'm not afraid to talk a little bit about my pregnancy journey either.

Possible Collaborations in The Future

What I'd really love to do in the future, would be to collaborate with other parents whether it'd be influencers, bloggers, or vloggers, I want to make this blog as much of a cute little family as I can make it.  If I'm able to collab with anyone, either on the parenting aspect or any of my other blog posts. I feel having a whole new perspective would help others on whatever life journey that they are on. If my story or my life doesn't resonate with you, I'm hoping someone else's life story or content will. If you're a blogger, vlogger, influencer, or content creator and you want to submit a post, don't be afraid to message me, I'd love to hear from you. 


The small journey from pregnancy blog to baby blog has been a short one, but I'm so grateful that I have been able to share the journey so far and I'm even more grateful that I'm going to be able to start a new phase when it comes to blogging. Even though this blog is about me, I'm hoping that this journey will be an amazing one. I thank everyone who's read my posts and supported me so far and hope you all keep supporting me!

Monday, June 5, 2023

50 Pregnancy-Related Self-Love Journal Prompts for a Blissful Journey

I've mentioned both my love for journaling and my love to show some self-love, but what if you can't think of journal topics for some pregnancy-related self-love? I provided a list with some ideas to help you. It's time to embrace the beauty of your changing body, show some self-care, and build a positive mindset. 

Celebrating Your Changing Body

Your pregnant body is beautiful, it's changing so much and it should be celebrated. It's time to celebrate your body in your journal. 

1. Reflect on the awe-inspiring journey of growing a new life within you.

2. List five things you appreciate about your changing body and its abilities during pregnancy.

3. Explore the qualities that make you beautiful beyond physical appearance.

4.  Describe how your body has transformed throughout the different stages of pregnancy and celebrate the progress you have made.

5. Write down affirmations that specifically focus on appreciating and embracing the changes happening to your body during pregnancy.

6. Explore the ways in which your body is strong and capable during pregnancy, highlighting the physical activities or exercises that make you feel empowered.

7. Reflect on the radiant glow that often accompanies pregnancy and express gratitude for the natural beauty that shines from within.

8.  Identify and celebrate the unique physical features or characteristics that have developed or intensified during pregnancy.

9. Embrace the natural curves and contours of your body, expressing gratitude for the miraculous ability to create and nourish life

10. Create a self-portrait that represents your changing body during pregnancy, focusing on capturing the beauty and strength you see in yourself.

Nurture Your Emotional Well-Being

We covered prompts about your outer body. Let's cover some prompts about your body, because both our inner body and outer body deserve self-love.

11. Write a letter to your unborn child, expressing your love, hopes, and dreams.

12. Offer yourself kindness and understanding by acknowledging and forgiving any insecurities or doubts you may have.

13. Create a list of positive affirmations to repeat daily, reinforcing self-belief and confidence.

14. Reflect on the emotional changes you've experienced during pregnancy and explore practices that bring you peace and emotional balance.

15. Journal about the ways in which pregnancy has heightened your intuition and explore how you can nurture and trust your inner guidance.

16. Write a love letter to yourself, highlighting your inner qualities, strengths, and the amazing job you are doing as an expectant mother.

17. Explore different ways to release and process emotions, such as through writing, meditation, or talking with a trusted friend or therapist.

18. Describe self-care activities that specifically cater to your emotional well-being during pregnancy, such as engaging in hobbies, practicing mindfulness, or seeking support.

19. Reflect on any societal or personal expectations you may have about pregnancy and motherhood, and write about releasing them to embrace your unique journey

20. List five moments or experiences during pregnancy that have contributed to your emotional growth and express gratitude for the lessons learned.

Let's Get Some Self Care in There 

21. Describe your ideal self-care routine during pregnancy, focusing on activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

22. Reflect on the small joys and mindfulness exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine.

23. Make a list of self-care activities that specifically cater to your physical well-being during pregnancy.

24. Reflect on the importance of rest during pregnancy and identify ways you can prioritize and incorporate more restful moments into your routine.

25. Journal about the ways you can prioritize healthy and nourishing food choices during pregnancy, focusing on meals and snacks that support your well-being.

26. Describe your ideal sanctuary or self-care space, and brainstorm ideas on how to create it within your home to retreat and rejuvenate.

27.  Explore creative outlets that bring you joy and allow you to express yourself, such as painting, writing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument.

28. Reflect on the types of physical activity or gentle exercises that make you feel energized and explore ways to incorporate them into your self-care routine.

29. Write about the benefits of taking breaks from technology and how you can establish boundaries to limit screen time, fostering a more mindful and present state.

30. Identify ways to engage and indulge your senses, such as enjoying a soothing bath, listening to calming music, or surrounding yourself with pleasant scents.

Ways to Connect With Others

Sometimes pregnancy can be tough and we forget that we need to bond with others as well. We don't know how to do it, but we want to do it. Here are some ideas to help you.

31. Journal about the ways you and your partner can nurture your relationship during this transformative time.

32. Reflect on your support system and identify people you can lean on for emotional and practical assistance during pregnancy.

33. Research and write about local or online communities that cater to pregnant women, where you can connect with others who share similar experiences.

34.  Reflect on the importance of nurturing relationships during pregnancy and brainstorm activities or rituals to deepen your connection with your loved ones.

35. Journal about the ways you can document and preserve precious moments during your pregnancy journey, such as through photographs, letters, or a pregnancy journal.

36. Explore ways to cultivate intimacy and connection with your partner during pregnancy, whether through date nights, heartfelt conversations, or nurturing physical touch.

37. Reflect on the friendships that have supported you throughout your pregnancy and express gratitude for their presence. Consider ways to stay connected and maintain those bonds.

38. Write about the family traditions or rituals you want to establish or continue during pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of shared experiences and creating lasting memories.

39. Explore online resources and communities where you can connect with other expectant parents, share experiences, and find support, even if physical gatherings are limited.

40. Reflect on the benefits of seeking professional support during pregnancy, such as attending prenatal classes, seeking guidance from a doula or midwife, or participating in support groups.

Visualize Your Birth Experience

While our birth experience may not be anything like we're going to be writing down, but it's okay to still reflect and think about the experience anyway.

41. Document your thoughts and desires regarding your ideal birth experience, exploring your hopes and expectations.

42. Identify any fears or anxieties you may have about childbirth and brainstorm strategies to address and alleviate them.

43.  Use the power of visualization to imagine your desired birth experience, focusing on positive outcomes and feelings.

44. Gather images, quotes, and symbols that represent your ideal birth experience and create a vision board to visualize and manifest positive outcomes.

45. Craft a powerful affirmation that encapsulates your desired birth experience, focusing on strength, courage, and trust in your body's abilities.

46. Close your eyes and imagine your ideal birth scenario, exploring the sights, sounds, and emotions that accompany it. Write about the vivid details you visualize.

47. Describe the physical elements and atmosphere that would make you feel most comfortable and supported during labor, such as lighting, music, or scent.

48. Research and read positive birth stories to inspire and uplift your mindset, and reflect on the elements of those stories that resonate with you.

49.  Journal about your preferences, concerns, and expectations for your birth experience, and consider ways to effectively communicate and advocate for your needs.

50. Explore any fears or anxieties you have surrounding childbirth, and write about releasing and replacing them with feelings of confidence, trust, and empowerment.


Self-love during pregnancy is important, creating memories for yourself and future generations may be fun. This is only 50 ideas, there are many more ideas when it comes to self love and pregnancy. If there are any ideas you'd like to add, put them in the comments. 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Becoming Assertive Like a Pro: A Comprehensive Checklist

I have a new goal in life, to be more assertive! Most of us passive folk, wish that we were more powerful, we want to be able to express our needs and set boundaries effectively. With that thought playing around my head, I knew it was time to compile a blog post to help myself and others become more assertive. Are you ready to try to be more assertive? 

Understanding What Assertiveness is

To become assertive, we must know what exactly being assertive means and what assertive is. While yes most of the time we know it's the opposite of passiveness and aggression, that really doesn't help someone if that's all that we know about assertiveness. To be assertive one must communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs respectfully and directly. We don't want to be aggressive and become hostile when we communicate, nor do we want to avoid conflict and ignore our own feelings and desires.  

If you're communicating clearly, able to communicate honestly and know how to set healthy boundaries, chances are they are already assertive. But those of us, like myself, are not able to do so, and happen to be passive, it's right where we want to be. It's our dream outcome, and while it sounds accessible to the assertive folk to, "Just be assertive," it isn't like that exactly. It takes work to become assertive! 

Find Out Your Communication Style

How exactly do you communicate? What are your communication patterns? It's time to take a step back and think about how you express yourself when you handle conflicts. I'm not talking about conflicts on social media that we all like to watch unfold, I'm talking bout in the real world. If you're trying to think of an example and are unsure about what kind of communicator you are, there's a quiz below to help you. 

Once you're aware of what kind of communicator you're more self-aware of your own thoughts and actions. And when you're more aware of your thoughts and emotions, you're able to grow and change your communication style. 

Time to Develop Confidence

Before we can be assertive, you need to develop confidence. That does mean we need to take a step back and challenge our thinking, if our self-talk isn't that kind, it's time to realize that we have confidence. We need to celebrate what steps we make, reinforce our belief in ourselves, and try to build a positive self-image in ourselves. We can only be assertive with confidence. 

Try Improving Your Active Listening Skills

Time to hone in on people's nonverbal cues when they're talking and use a little bit of active listening. Active listening a way to promote empathy for someone and helps with growing trust. Active listening is important to becoming assertive. Some way to learn to active listening is to paraphrase what someone is trying to say while nodding to indicate you understand and comprehend what they're saying. 

Along with active listening, there has to be some understanding of others' perspectives. It's equally as important to becoming assertive. Especially when it comes to problem-solving situations and being able to collaborate with others on their ideas. You can't possibly see eye to eye with someone and work things if you don't see what their point of view is.  

Expressing Yourself Clearly and Directly

Now we have confidence and are listening better. The next box to check off is learning how to express ourselves. Imagine getting to the point where you're able to say something like, "I understand your concern, but I have made my decision and I stand by it," or "I would like to contribute my ideas during this meeting. Can I have a chance to share?"  

When you're expressing your feelings remember to use "I" statements, and be specific. Let's pretend that you have a friend that isn't respecting your boundaries and it's bothering you. A passive person might say, "You're not respecting my boundaries. Please respect me." With the statement, your friend could assume that you're not wanting to be their friend anymore and may take the statement completely differently than what you were intending. But if you said something, like, "I value our friendship, but I need you to respect my boundaries." Your friend will understand that you care about them, while you're meeting your own needs and give you ownership of how you feel.

Set Some Healthy Boundaries

One huge thing that must be done to be assertive like a pro is to have some personal boundaries. We need to protect our emotional, physical, and mental well-being.  You should be treated as you think you should be treated. We're able to protect our autonomy and assert our needs if we have boundaries.

When you set your boundaries, be confident, use respectful body language and be calm. You need to be be clear and specific, especially when you're using your clear and direct body language. People need to know you mean business. Sometimes, things don't go the way you want them to when you try to set your boundaries, so be prepared and try to show your newly found assertiveness.

Practice Makes Perfect

The last point in this checklist is the scariest part of becoming assertive, at least in my point of view. It's practicing to be assertive. But after learning that I don't need to rush out and try my assertiveness everywhere and that it's okay to start slowly. A small step may be asking someone for help, or ordering food at a restaurant. 

Once we've mastered the low-risk baby tasks. Try increasing your assertiveness. Something like requesting a refund or alerting the restaurant that they had your order wrong. Each time you have a successful experience, it will boost your confidence, causing you to be more assertive. Push your boundaries little by little and eventually, it'll become easier. 


To be assertive, it's time to be confident, be direct, use our active listening skills and set some healthy boundaries. As scary as it might sound it'll be okay. You now have a check list that you're free to print out and put everywhere that you may need it. Because you know being assertive, shows confidence, and people listen to assertiveness. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Gratitude Journaling: 10 Tips for Cultivating a Thankful Mindset

As much as I've talked about gratitude journaling when it comes to being mindful, thinking about starting a journal could be a bit intimidating when you're not sure what to do when it comes to gratitude journaling. If you're looking to learn how to mindful journal so that you can be happier, and appreciate the present moment, here are some tips. 

Tip 1: Set a Regular Journaling Schedule

 Consistency is key when it comes to any kind of mindful journaling. It teaches you to be self-reliant, and allows you to think deeper, and makes you more self-aware. When you pick a time and a special space for reflection, it can minimize distractions and helps you concentrate on your gratitude journal a bit more. For a habit to be natural there needs to be a routine. 

Tip 2: Start Small

You don't have to write for hours on end when it comes to journaling. You can start with like five minutes a day, and increase the writing time, or even keep it at five minutes a day. When it comes to gratitude journaling, please note that it's not how much you write when it comes to your journal is the quality of the work that you put in, you know quality over quantity!

Tip 3: Find the Right Journaling Format For You

Not everyone is the same when it come to journaling. There are many different options when it comes to journals. Someone may enjoy digital journaling while others may want a notebook type of journal. Even the methods of how one writes their journal can be different from person to person, some people like bullet journals others, paragraphs, or something completely different than the two. It's okay to experiment with what you prefer when it comes to your journaling. Because it's your journal, you're even free to change it up if it works better for you. 

Tip 4: Be Specific and Detailed

It might sound easy just to put down something generic when it comes to gratitude, like "I thank you for the food I ate today," but being specific and detailed when it comes to gratitude makes it better. What food were you thankful for and how did to make you feel? Why are you thankful for the food Something like, "I'm thankful for the grilled cheese sandwich I made for lunch. There are times when I forget to eat." It helps when you look back at your journal later to know why you were thankful for something.

Tip 5: Reflect on Challenging Situations

Life isn't always rainbow and sunshine, and that's okay. Write about the things that happened and write about what you were thankful for even when things were a bit tough. Learning a lesson out of tough situations is gratitude as well. Just because you were late for work, you could be grateful for the rainbow that you saw on the way there. The rainbow you saw on your way to work can teach you to take a little more time before work. All situations can be faced with some gratitude if you try hard enough

Tip 6: Include Different Aspects in Life

Sometimes it's better to think of gratitude for different parts of our life. Little pleasures in life are not the same as finding gratitude when it comes to our relationships and gratitude for our loved ones. The same can be said about writing about a moment where you showed gratitude in areas where you knew that you grew as a person. Try to include all that you can as often as you can. 

Tip 7: Express gratitude for yourself

Here you are an individual who's growing yourself, learning to be more grateful, and showing yourself some more self-love. Write about that, write about your accomplishments and how much gratitude you have for learning how to use a printer for the first time.  

Tip 8: Get Creative with Visualization and Imagery

If you're the artsy type, try to add some drawings or print out a photo to add to your journal. Give your journal entries as much life as you can. Evoke your senses in the ways you know how, only you know what works the best when it comes to bringing you back to the moment when you felt gratitude that day particular day. It's okay to visualize a situation even, and think about what outcomes may happen or should have happened, as long as you're showing some gratitude.

Tip 9: Review and Reflect Regularly

There's one big reason why I mentioned the stuff in my previous tips as I did. Going back through your gratitude journal when you need to is a lot easier when you have pictures, specifics and moments where you grew. It also makes it easier to reflect on reoccurring themes when it comes to gratitude. This journal is to grow you as a person, it's okay to see where you still need to grow.

Tip 10: Share Gratitude with Others

 When and if you're ready to share your gratitude with others. Especially if you feel gratitude for another person. Write them a letter or a note to let them know you have gratitude for them and happen to be thankful that they're there in your life for whatever reason you may have written about in your gratitude journal.


Go ahead set some time for yourself, when you write your gratitude journal, include what you want to remember an look back at when you want to look back at it. Just remember to be specific, in case you forget why you were grateful for the shirt that your friend gave you on a certain day. Journal your little heart out of it makes you happy. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

10 Quotes to Guide You on a Journey of Self-Discovery

I've been looking for some good wisdom, while I was in the middle of self-discovery.  I was lucky to find some that I think would help me and some other folks along the way. I found many of these quotes but these were the ones that stuck out with me. 

"The power of love overcomes the love of power" Jimi Hendrix

Embracing love and compassion for yourself can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and moving farther away from seeking power over other people. 

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao Tzu

Personal growth and understanding who you always have to start with one step. No matter how small the step it starts you on a beautiful journey of self-discovery.

"The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts" Marcus Aurelius 

Our thoughts shape who we are and because of that our mindset and perspective influence our understanding. With positive and reflective thoughts we can make our journey of self-discovery better.

"Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future, concentrate on the mind in the present moment." Buddha

When we're mindful and focused on the present, allows us to delve deeper on their self and learn about ourselves.

"The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers but for the wide world's joy." Henry Ward Beeche

Self-discovery shouldn't just be for ourselves, it should contribute to the happiness of people around us. 

"The greatest adventure is what lies ahead." J.R.R. Tolkien

Personal growth can happen in the future-discovery is continuous, embrace what's ahead of you. 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something is a great accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Staying your true self even when society pressures you to be different. You can't be your unique self if you're not being what other people want you to be.

"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop." Rumi

Within everyone lies a universe of wisdom. Self-discovery involves recognizing that you're valuable. 

"Don't be pushed around the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart." Ray T. Bennett

Don't let your fears stop you from your dreams. The best way to discover who you are is to let your heart and your dreams lead you. 

"You are the universe experiencing itself." Eckart Taile

You are part of a bigger picture, everything is connected. People are connected, and realizing that opens the window of personal exploration.
It of a bigger picture, there's no doubt about that. It's okay to be mindful, but at the same time look at the road ahead of us. Self-discovery is beautiful, it's okay to ignore societal influences when you're trying to learn who you are. Hopefully, these quotes can both influence you and guide you along your own self-discovery journey.

Navigating the Hemiplegic Migraine Maze: A Personal Journey

I am one of the lucky folk that experiences chronic hemiplegic migraines. A hemiplegic migraine is a migraine with or without pain, that causes weakness or paralysis on one side of the body along with stroke-like symptoms. 

After watching Momming with Migraines, and posting my post about the misconceptions of hemiplegic migraines, I knew it was time to talk a bit about my journey. Because it's time to show some of my vulnerable sides and explain what things are like, along with hoping to raise awareness and let others know they're not alone. 

I included a very personal video by Jen, from Momming with Migraines. Please note that her journey is her own journey and not everyone is going to have the same journey. 

Let's talk a little bit more about hemiplegic migraines

The rare beast known as the hemiplegic migraine, can either be familial (passed down in families) or sporadic (without genetic origin) Not all migraines are hemiplegic in nature. Most migraine aurae don't have symptoms like weakness, difficulty speaking, confusion, seizures, and passing out, unlike hemiplegic migraines. They can however cause classic migraine symptoms such as nausea, headache vertigo, and visual symptoms. And just like regular migraines they usually happen on one side of the body, which doctors call hemiplegia.  

My First and Second Migraine

I'm pretty sure I've had hemiplegic migraines for at least over 20 years, without having an actual name to give the symptoms I was having. Like the headaches, the numbness in my face, and the confusion. But giving a name to the symptoms that followed me came much later in my life. 

While it seems a bit blurry, I do remember bits and pieces of the moment about the day that it first realized it was serious. About 10 years ago, I was on my way home from a day with my bonus daughter and my husband. I remember having a weird dull headache, then out of nowhere I became confused and had what I could best describe as a memory loss moment, kind of. While I knew who my husband and bonus daughter were at the back of my mind, I couldn't correctly verbalize and connect the two together, so while I knew who they were I said that I didn't know.  While I don't remember the numbness or weakness I'm almost certain I had it then too. 

He decided it was best that he'd drop me off at the hospital, then go drop his daughter off with her mom so that I knew what was going on. 

All my tests came back as normal as they should. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary, though I don't remember getting any kind of CT, MRI, or any brain scans at the time. So my doctor once she got the results, assumed it was either what she called a 'rare migraine', a possible seizure, or she had no clue, but gave me Lamictal to see if there were any changes. In fact, there was a ton of improvement, 

My second major hemiplegic migraine attack was a little over two years ago. I was busy writing something or watching a video online. Nothing too out of the ordinary, when I remember a headache coming out of the blue, with this headache, I remember my left side getting weak, numbness in my face, and was struggling to find the words to speak. Of course, prompting my husband to rush me to the hospital. 

At the hospital I was given a scan of my brain (I don't remember what kind) and a migraine cocktail, which is usually Benadryl, something for nausea, NSAIDS, and triptans (if one doesn't have hemiplegic migraines). It worked well, for the most part, causing me to stutter rather than just struggle with a choice of words. That was the day I was given the diagnosis of hemiplegic migraines. Which was confirmed by my more recent neurologist. 

Living With Hemiplegic Migraines

To say that it has no impact on my day-to-day life would be the exact opposite. Especially now that I'm pregnant, the choice of medications that my neurologist will allow me to take is basically nothing. Every day is a struggle, I do have a few guesses about what triggers my migraines, such as forgetting to eat a meal or panicking, but I'm not sure if I'm right. I do however know right before an aura happens and a migraine starts. Right before mine happen, I got what I describe as a glittery snowglobe effect. Imagine being in a snow globe with glitter, that's all I see. 

On the days when they do get bad, I get the order from my husband to relax as much as possible and not to be up overdoing myself. I will occasionally take Benadryl with a little bit of caffeine and take a nap when they start getting bad, which is a hit-and-miss type of thing.

Eventually, once my son is born, I do hope to find something that I can take that won't interfere with breastfeeding, and get back on something that can help. But until then, it's learning how to look for warning signs and relaxing as much as I can.  

The Social Impact

To openly talk about my hemiplegic migraines with strangers and loved ones hasn't been easy. It's not easy to admit to someone that my memory isn't too good,that I'm losing strength in my left side, that I'm having a bit of a headache and migraine-related nausea and dizziness, along with any of the other symptoms I have. It almost feels like I'm a broken record. I don't feel like it's becoming a part of who I am, and to be honest, I am not my migraines and don't like them to define me. 

Thank goodness, my mom, my husband, a few hemiplegic migraine groups on Facebook and my therapist are a great support team on days when my migraines feel suffocating. I do offer the suggestion, to have a support team to be there to remind you and support you of all of your migraine moments it truly does help and I have no clue where I'd be where I am without them.

Overcoming Obstacles

There are always going to be obstacles when it comes to chronic illnesses, no matter what part of the journey you are on. There are going to be days when your emotions are shattered, hemipelagic migraines are no different.  Personally, a lot of my emotional obstacles are knowing that my migraines are unpredictable and knowing I may not be able to talk properly for a few days. 

My tough days are part of the reason why this blog is here. I created a blog full of mindfulness activities, quotes, things to and stuff I'm learning to help myself and help others who have chronic illnesses, and people who need a bit of a push. In the next month, there will be more personal posts and posts outside of what has been posted the last month as well. But having a place for myself and others to look, at when it comes to self-care. All we need is a little positivity once in a while. 


Whether my journey with migraines is like someone else's journey these migraines are my own. I have my own challenges. Just because there are challenges, there's still hope for a better day, and there are other stories about people dealing with their migraines. 

For those of you who have migraines, hemipelagic or not, what's your journey like?

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