Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Mindful Mama-to-Be: 8 Activities for a Joyful Pregnancy

Because I love the mindful bear technique when need time to be mindful, and there are so many things that say Mama Bear on them at the store and online. I thought why not combine the two together, mindfulness and pregnancy should go hand in hand, there's no better time than being in the moment while you're pregnant. I've been told it's a great way to stay stress-free, connect with the baby, and to know if something doesn't feel right with your pregnancy! If you're looking for some pregnancy-related mindful activities look no further, I have 8 of them, some may be new, others you may have seen before, but they all are great during pregnancy.

8 Mindful Activity Suggestions for Pregnant Woman

  1. Prenatal Yoga: With prenatal yoga, we're able to stretch, improve our strength, have a better sense of body awareness, and prepare our bodies for childbirth and it also relaxes us! If you're stuck on where to find some places online for prenatal yoga, SarahBethYoga, and BrettLarkinYoga are two great yet free places to start. 
  2. Light Walking and Exercise: Time to boost our moods and energy level, control our weight gain, and help enhance circulation by exercising and walking. Before starting any exercise regimen, please consult your doctor before doing them. 

  3. Meditation: Bonding with our baby with meditation isn't as difficult as it seems,  you can still meditate and focus on a video while being kicked in the bladder. I have a list of places to check on my blog post about staying mindful on the go and have also included The Honest Guys YouTube channel as well. 
  4. Journaling: As if I haven't given people more of a reason to have their own journal. I have one more, pregnancy mindfulness. Your mindful, gratitude journal is going to be a life changer! Some prompt suggestions during pregnancy include, "What are my fears or worries about being a parent," "What are some things I'm grateful for during pregnancy?" or "How am I taking care of myself during my pregnancy?" An even cooler idea is to create a pregnancy keepsake just for your baby! 
  5. Creative activities: I'm not trying to be vague when it comes to creative activities, but I do know we all have our own ideas of what could be considered a creative activity. Journaling like in activity 4 can be creative, but if you are not much of a writer, painting, drawing, crocheting, and scrapbooking are some more ideas to get you started. Having some self-expression and accomplishment thrown in with mindfulness is a great stress reducer!
  6. Breathing: Breathing is something that we do every day, I bet you're doing it now! Remembering to focus on your breathing can help with some pregnancy discomforts and relax yourself. Both my Mindful Bear post and my Mindfulness on the Go post have some breathing exercises to try on for size. 

  7. Mindful eating: Let's shift our thoughts from focusing on baby to what you're eating. The food is going to them as well, but it also teaches us how to be aware of when we're full, keeps us from being emotional eaters, and lets us focus on the taste and the texture of the food we're eating. 
  8. Mindful communication: I know pregnancy hormones can turn a once calm pregnant woman into a beast sometimes, but we can still practice mindful communication. Using some empathy, avoiding assumptions, and connecting with each other's feelings can help keep things running smoothly. 

Tips for incorporating mindfulness into a daily routine

Now that I compiled a list, and give you some ideas, I'm moving on to the more complicated part, at least for me. Learning how to incorporate mindfulness into your (and my) busy life. 
Tip 1: Start small: Starting small and taking baby steps, is a great way to move in the right direction. If all you're doing is eating mindfully and breathing. It's all a smaller step to a bigger goal. 
Tip 2: Make it a habit: If you're eating, remind yourself it's time to eat mindfully and remind yourself to try to be mindful every chance you get. It may not be a regular thing at first, but once you get into the habit of being mindful adding more mindful activities and making them a habit as well, will become easier. 
Tip 3: Find what works for you: One mindfulness activity may not be the right one for you. Maybe none of this list is for you, but if you've seen a mindful activity on one of my other posts or online somewhere, do that instead. 
Tip 4: Practice it regularly: Set alarms, make mindfulness the first thing you do when you wake up or the last thing you do before bed, or do whatever you do to make it a regular thing. 


When you're mindful during pregnancy, you're able to bond, relax and even prepare for childbirth a little bit better. When it comes to being mindful, if there's a will there's a way, and take a little time to attempt being mindful when you're pregnant. If someone isn't as compassionate about your pregnancy mindfulness activities, practice a little mindful communication back, and show them some empathy an d compassion, without judgment. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Snacking Safely: Gluten-Free Ideas for Expecting Moms

As if being gluten-free didn’t already have its challenges, being pregnant and being gluten-free adds more challenges and frustration to the mix, especially when you're trying to find a healthy snack. When the challenge is real, and you're face to face with eating healthy gluten-free snacks what's a pregnant woman to do? Shopping for a gluten-free snack can be exhausting!

Why Being Gluten-free during pregnancy is important.

Even if it does sound tough there's a good reason for those who have celiac to remain gluten-free, even if you are pregnant. For those mothers with celiac, consuming gluten can cause vitamin deficiencies, which can lead to preterm labor, low birth weight, and even miscarriages.  Because you may already have some nutrient deficiencies, it's best to check with your obstetrician, to find out what kind of supplements and vitamins you may need during pregnancy.  

    4 Tips for finding gluten-free foods during pregnancy

    If you're confused about finding foods that are gluten-free during pregnancy, you're not alone there are a few tips that may be able to help you navigate your way around the store when you're having cravings.

    1. Read food labels: Foods you may be craving may already be gluten-free. When searching for gluten-free food, look for things like, "naturally gluten-free," and "certified gluten-free."
    2. Stick to the simple less processed foods: Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, nuts, and seeds are almost always gluten-free. 
    3. Find alternatives to your favorite foods: Even though they may be a bit pricier, there are gluten-free flours and oatmeal, that can be used to create something you may be craving such as muffins, cupcakes, or oatmeal bowls.
    4. Shop at specialty stores: As long as you don't live in the middle of nowhere like I do, there are specialty stores that have a wider selection of gluten-free foods that meet your needs.
    5. Check out places like Pinterest: If you're looking for ideas, Pinterest offers many recipes (I included a few below to get you started). 

    Some gluten-free snack lists

    As I've mentioned, in tip #5, I created a small list of gluten-free snacks that I found on Pinterest, this is only a small list of stuff, there are way more places to find gluten-free snacks on Pinterest. 


    Being gluten-free on the pregnancy journey doesn't have to be scary and there are many ideas. If you don't like one food, there may be other's that you enjoy that happen to be gluten-free. Take a chance, and take a leap, for both you and your unborn baby's health. 

    Saturday, May 27, 2023

    Thyroidectomy and Pregnancy: A Crash Course for Expectant Mothers

    Last year, I had my neck cut open and my thyroid removed because I had trouble breathing and swallowing and my thyroid was swelling (in medical terms it's called goiter). Never did I expect to become pregnant after getting my thyroidectomy and never did I understand how much my pregnancy could be affected by the lack of thyroid.  For those mother's to be who have had a thyroidectomy or those who are curious, this post should answer a few questions!

    What exactly is a thyroid?

    If you haven't had yours removed yet, and you're a little confused about what a thyroid I have you covered. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, it's there to regulate hormones that regulate your metabolism, your temperature, your energy and your heart rate. It's hard to imagine such a small gland in your neck does so much work, doesn't it? And yes, when you're pregnant, it helps your baby's brain grow and develop, and it also helps your baby grow. If you're still a bit confused about the thyroid. I'm sharing one of my favorite places on YouTube for health-related stuff, The Institute of Human Anatomy. They're great at explaining things, and I'm almost certain they'll explain what thyroid does exactly and what one looks like. 

    How Can a Thyroidectomy Affect Pregnancy Exactly?

    If your thyroid is partially there from a partial thyroidectomy, not there at all after a total thyroidectomy, or not working properly, if your hormones aren't controlled properly, complications can happen. Things like high blood pressure, anemia, premature birth, miscarriage, and, low birth weight. Everything that one wouldn't want to happen during pregnancy. As long as your thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is low and you're taking your thyroid hormone medications as prescribed by your endocrinologist things should be smooth sailing, hopefully. 

    What to expect and look out for during pregnancy after a thyroidectomy

    As someone whose TSH has been a roller, I'm no stranger to the symptoms to look out for and what to expect after a thyroidectomy. For a bit of background here the normal TSH levels for a person are 0.27-4.2 u[iU]/mL at the moment mine is 8.86 u[iU]/mL, but have been way higher than that. March it was 30, last month it was 28 u[iU]/mL. As you can see, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster, to say the least. 

    If your thyroid isn't regulated, you may be more tired than normal pregnancy fatigue, weight changes, mood swings, you may be sensitivity to the cold, muscle aches, and even trouble concentrating. If any of the symptoms above, should be familiar, let both your endocrinologist and your OBGYN or midwife know you're having symptoms. 

    But if you're not feeling symptoms, you're still going to get your TSH tested, at regular intervals or in my case monthly if one test is a bit off, to ensure that your TSH is right where it needs to be. Provide tips for managing pregnancy after a thyroidectomy, including diet and exercise recommendations. 


    I know it's easier said than done, but don't panic too much if your TSH is a bit higher, just listen to your doctor's orders, know what to look out for and try to remain as stress-free as possible. Your pregnancy is too short to worry a lot about your thyroid hormones. Stay happy and stay healthy. 

    The Power of Self-Love: My Personal Journey and the Self-Love Workbook for Women

    Mindfulness and self-love go hand in hand, to practice mindfulness you need self-love, and if you have self-love you’ll practice mindfulness. I’m one of those people who haven’t seen the connection until the day came that I needed to have both.

    Not too long ago, I picked up the Self-Love Workbook for Women by Megan Logan, because I knew I needed help with self-love, but it wasn’t until I flipped through the book that, my journey to self-love was possible. Here's what I've learned thus far.

    Yeah, self-love it's important

    When I remember to fill myself with self-love, the self-love is so magical. It changes my point of view on life. I can manage my stress better, and I know if I love myself, I can attract the positivity that I need to get my life going! After doing Google searches, I realized I wasn't alone. Who doesn't need some confidence building and that extra push for everyone in a while? The best person, to give you that confidence, and push in life is yourself, you know what works for you! 

    A book for Self Love?

    A few weeks ago, I picked up a journal and went to work on my love workbook, put a pedal to the metal, and worked about an hour every day working on the exercises in the book. Writing them down in my journal, so that when I’m done with this book, I can go over it again or give it to someone else who needs to show self-love.

    The book helps you embrace who you are, it makes you talk about your insecurities, write letters and messages to yourself, and even make a playlist of songs to help you feel empowered. There are a ton of exercises to teach you a little bit about what self-love really is, and how to properly show yourself some self-love.

    So far the journey has been great, I’ve learned where my weak points, but I also learned what makes me awesome for being myself. Especially with the exercise that I did writing down positive things, people have said to me, and going to my husband for suggestions about what people liked about me. It was eye-opening and a great conversational piece for him and I. 

    This is one of my songs for my empowerment playlist. I kept the list of songs, I know I'd play over and over again when I need that self-love women empowerment moment. 


    Why I chose this book as a guide

    When it comes to self-love, I’m one of those people who will have my critical voice stop me in my tracks, or I compare myself to others when I want to do something. Therapy can only work so much for me personally, working on things in my head, on my own has been helpful. That’s exactly why this book became important.  

    I jokingly say I picked up the book because I’m a book collector and love all these guided journals and self-help books, but I also knew that self-love has been something that everyone should have, and I was okay to look for help. I love to read, so I picked something that I knew I could grow from, and that I could enjoy, while using colorful pens and a beautiful journal.  

    Hows it helped this far

    Since reading this book, I think about some of the positive affirmations that I’ve written down and I remind myself that I am important and there were times that I have shown myself self-love. I know how that feels.  I'm now taking five to ten minutes a day has now become commonplace to reflect on my own self-love, and to practice a little bit of mindfulness.

    I admit, I’m still struggling especially when it comes to things like trying new things or realizing I don’t have to be afraid of my opinions, and that they’re what make me who I am. But I’m hoping that eventually, I learn how to overcome these hurdles either in the workbook, my therapist, or my own discovery, but that’s fine. It takes time.  

    Self-love is beautiful, it makes everyone’s day brighter. Even though this book title says it’s for women, I feel this book can help anyone show some of their own self-love. Once I’m done with the book, I plan on updating everyone on how my love journey is going! Until then, show yourself some respect, and give yourself some self-love. You are worth it!

    Thursday, May 25, 2023

    Lost in Thought: Coping with Pregnancy Brain Fog

    Since I’ve become pregnant, my brain is fuzzier than usual, I’m even more forgetful. I didn’t even think it was possible to have my mental ability be fuzzier and more forgetful but, it is. I have what is better known as pregnancy-related brain fog, or ‘mommy brain’. If you think you have mommy brain, and feel alone, you're not alone! 

    What on earth is Mommy Brain? 

    Pregnancy does a lot to our bodies, it makes it hard to sleep, we feel like we have more stress, and our hormones are fluctuating. When that happens,  our neurotransmitters, are affected and we start becoming forgetful, can't concentrate, and can't multitask the way we used to. Don't worry, it'll go away soon after the baby gets here. Mommy brain can start early and happen until the baby's born. 

    Yeah, but what is it like?

    Imagine putting down your car keys or bottle of water and forgetting where you set them down at. I don't know how many times, I've put food in the microwave, to come back a few minutes later, to find out I never set the timer or I'll buy something from the grocery store, put it away and completely forget I bought it. 

    Of course, mommy brain can be frustrating and anxiety-filled sometimes, and it can cause our own personal relationships with others to suffer. I don't know how many times, I've forgotten a doctor's appointment or forgotten where I put down my bottle of water! After reading some other stories about mommy's brain I felt a little less alone. 

    Looking for some tips to keep from losing stuff?

    Rest: When the doctors say to rest, it should be important. According to an article, being tired can affect the ability to communicate, and lead to memory lapses. 
    Make lists and use reminders: You won't forget stuff if you set a reminder or make a list. Unless you forget to write down what you need to do, or where you put something at. 
    Stay organized: I know it's easier said than done, you're in brain fog mode. If you have a special place to put something put it there. It'll help you find something if you have it organized.
    Practice Mindfulness: Time to be a mindful mama bear. If you read my post about mindfulness a few days ago, being a mindful mama bear will put you into the here and now, relax your body, and clear your mind.
    Ask for help: If you're having trouble remembering, let people know. It's okay to ask for help from friends, family, or even your doctor/midwife. 
    Support other pregnant women: Let other women know they're not alone. Give them helpful ideas to help when the brain fog is strong, like rest, mindfulness, or lists. 

    When should I worry and tell my doctor?

    If your brain fog gets so bad that you're unable to remember important things, when you're unable to do daily tasks, and if it's getting worse, Medical News Today, suggests talking to your doctor. There's no reason to feel ashamed to tell your doctor. They won't think that you're off your rocker when it comes to brain fog. 


    If you're going Mommy brain, you're not crazy, and you're not imagining things. You're definitely not alone, when it comes to forgetting things, in fact the list above with 20 examples are just the tip of the iceberg. It's even okay to seek help from a professional if you need to. I sincerely hope that any one who's pregnant right now knows someone who's pregnant or hopes to become pregnant in the future has a happy healthy pregnancy.

    The Clean Reader: Why I Don't Write in Books

    If you noticed one thing about me when it comes to talking about my guided journals and workbooks, is that I'm not a fan of writing in my books. It might sound strange to some, books meant to reflect about life and mental health, are usually meant to be written in. If you're unsure what to do with your guided journals or self-help books or wondering why someone like me wouldn’t want to write in something as important as this. I thought I’d dive a little bit into my mind for once. I want to explain why I am the way I am and why I like my books to be crisp and clean, for the most part. In the end you can draw your own conclusions or something!

    My Personal Reasons

    People would assume it has to do with some kind of fear, of ruining something like the book in my opinion. It’s really not even the case, in fact, my reasoning is a little different. While yes when I pick up a used workbook from a bookstore I don't want a book that's been written in. But it's because, if I found a book to be helpful or entertaining and I want to give it to someone else or use it again, I don't want to be sidetracked by my old notes, and my old opinions, I want to start brand new. 

    My other reason has everything to do with being able to organize a regular journal or something digital online, the way that I want it to be organized. Not just that with a journal, I'm able to write notes, I'm able to include things in my entries, that weren't part of the book I had on hand, better yet, I can combine one idea from one guided journal and one from another in the same place, and I don't have to flip back and forth between the two.

    Some alternatives to writing in books: 

    For those who are like me, that don't like writing in books or those who want to try to do something a little different here are some great alternatives to try.
    • Online journals and blogs: There are many places online or in app form that allow both private and public places to write your answers in. One of my favorite places other than my blog, is Jrnl, it offers both private and public journals, and even has a spot on the page for about me questions if you're into that kind of thing.
    • Word processing apps: Maybe keeping your information online isn't you thing and you're worried about a page or app not working. Word processing apps, like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Libre Office (a free alternative to Microsoft Word), are another easy idea.
      Click here for a free libre office download

    • Voice recording: Writing not your thing at all? You can always record your questions as a memo, using an app or your own phone or computer. Most have a voice memo app included! 
    • Video journaling/vlogging: Vlogging and video journaling is other unique way to work through your thoughts. These videos don't even have to be public or for anyone but yourself and/or your loved ones. 
    • A regular journal: This is the method I chose, I found a journal that I liked at the store, one that I'd want to write my entries in, and have some felt-tipped pens for when I do my guided journaling so that I can be creative! 

    There are many reasons why I don’t write in my journals. This is just my opinion and what I want to do with my books.  Each person’s reason for writing or not writing in their books is their own. Wherever you're able to open your mind, clear your mind, and better your mental health is up to you, I hope you enjoy whatever book you're using! 

    Wednesday, May 24, 2023

    5 Ways to Stay Mindful When You're Always on the Go

    As time inches closer, I know I’ll have to be practicing mindfulness at the hospital and may not be practicing it much at home. But the amazing thing about mindfulness is that there are some mindfulness techniques that can be done anywhere! Being in the present no matter where you are is a gift. The ways below are some of the easiest ways to practice mindfulness on the go! If you have any other ideas drop them below!

    Some of these exercises may be the same as my Mindful Bear techniques, just think of these as being a mindful migrating bear, who's always on the go!

    Tip #1: Use Guided Meditation
     With guided mediation you have a narrator leading you through your mediation, they'll help you visualize things better and focus your attention. There are a few websites and apps I found that may be useful to practice guided meditation on the go!


    Tip #2: Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Daily Activities
    It's time to be a mindful bear again! Use mindfulness, when doing whatever activity you're doing. Take time to stop and notice what you're doing, if you're walking focus on your feet touching the ground and the movement of your feet, if you're eating focus on the foods that you're eating, in all reality you can apply mindfulness to whatever your doing. Focus on your actions, and your feelings, and live in the present. 

    Tip #3: Take Time to Breathe
    Focusing on your breathing can lower your heart rate, and improve focus and concentration. All you have to do is breathe and focus on your breathing at the moment, if you're having trouble with learning how to breathe mindfully, diaphragmatic breathingbox breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, or alternate nose breathing are some suggestions, I provided an example for each of the techniques, all you have to do is click on the technique's name

    Tip 4: Using Mindful Reminders
    Sometimes, practicing mindfulness when we’re on the go has nothing to do with the techniques, it has to do with remembering to practice mindfulness. Times setting a reminder on your phone or on Post-it notes by your technology, to remind yourself to breathe, and practice mindfulness helps. I actually have a mindfulness app on my Apple Watch. You don’t even have to focus on breathing techniques if you’re willing to focus on your feelings in the present moment.

    Tip 5: Practicing gratitude
    Since gratitude and mindfulness go hand in hand, practicing gratitude is a great way to practice mindfulness. All you need to do when practicing gratitude is to stop and pay attention to appreciate the good things in life. You don’t need a journal or to keep a memo for all the things you’re grateful for, if you don’t want to. The option to include your gratitude in your meditation or breathing is there.


    Just because you're on the go doesn't mean that mindfulness needs to stop. You can find ways to incorporate it into your routine no matter what's going on. If one tip doesn't work, go on to the next one, or create your own game plan. Practicing mindfulness can help everyone

    Tuesday, May 23, 2023

    Bonding Before Birth: The Power of Prenatal Reading

    Hey moms-to-be, it's time to read to your stomach! It's a great bonding experience, it can introduce them to sounds, and words, and even start them on the road to a love for reading, and that's all before they get here!  Even if they can't hear yet, it can calm both mom and baby. It doesn't matter what you read, as long as you and your womb dweller enjoy the book! 

    Benefits of Reading to Your Baby During Pregnancy

    As silly as it sounds, there really are benefits to reading to your baby before they arrive. From enhancing brain development, stimulating their hearing, helps with their language skills to help calm your baby. If you don't want to take some random blogger who scopes the internet to help her learn about how to bond with their baby or talk about ways to better their life, Terra Centre,The Green Child Magazine and Belly Belly all talk about the benefits of reading to your baby during pregnancy. And that's only three links talking about reading to your baby during pregnancy! 

    How to Choose Books to Read to Your Baby

    Yeah, I know I already said it doesn't matter what you read because it doesn't really matter. But if you're looking for a little guidance. Finding books that have rhythmic language, simple text, books that reflect different ways of life and books that make you feel good. If you're feeling good then they're feeling good. Some examples of books to read are, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do you See by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle and Where's Spot by Eric Hill

    Techniques and Tips for Reading to Your Baby During Pregnancy

    Now that we have a suggestion about what to read, and know the benefits. Let's get to the fun part, the tips and the techniques, that make reading to your baby worthwhile for both you and your unborn baby. 

    First things first, it's best to create a relaxing environment for you to read. Dim the lights, find somewhere with little distractions, play some nice relaxing music, and get comfortable. Some places that may be comfortable, especially for those that are farther along are a cozy chair, your bed, or maybe a pile of pillows on the floor. Be warned that if it's done correctly, you may fall asleep while you're reading! If you don't want to fall asleep, pick a time of day that you're more likely not to fall asleep.

    Now that we're comfortable and ready to read, use a gentle tone, but vary your volume and pace to give the book its story magic. You don't need to be a Hollywood actress to read a book, and sometimes it's difficult to read with a pace, tone, or volume that you're happy with, but that's okay, it takes practice and practice makes perfect! When your read, incorporate some soft touches and rocking motions. 

    If you're having trouble finding time to read to your baby, you can carry a book with you wherever you are or read to your baby while you're taking a break from work. Don't get too upset if you can't finish your book, because of time restrictions. You can finish the book another time. 


    Reading is great at any age, even when your baby isn't here yet. You're still able to promote language development and bond with your baby. Relaxing and reading a book is great for mom and baby.  Let's all share a love for reading. 

    Monday, May 22, 2023

    From Classics to Modern: 10 Books on My Book Bucket List

    In my opinion finding a new book, something new to read, broadens our horizons and expand our vast imaginations. I was scouting the local bookstore with my husband to find the perfect book to stick out at me. I remember telling him that I try to read books that stick out to me and are things I want to read because I don’t know when I’m going to die, and I wanted to read what felt good before I can’t read anymore.  Do you have a book bucket list? Do you know a list of books you want to read before you die?

      The Reason Behind My Thought Process

     Taking time to read is good self-love and a great mindfulness technique, and it reduces stress! Since it's a great stress reducer, I figured, taking a few minutes to read each day will be helpful. I even set set some goals, goals, they're small goals and short-term, but they don't need to be complicated. I've decided to read at least 5 books off of the bucket list as I have it before my son is born! 

    My Bucket List

    Book 1: Burn After Reading by Sharon Jones
    Burn After Reading is a guided journal/workbook that I plan on going through when I'm done working on The Woman's Guide to Self-Love. Maybe my husband is right and I do have a little bit of a guided journal collection. I like being able to work on myself and get to know myself a bit better. 

    Book 2: 1000+ Best Ways to Save Money Every Day: The Complete Book of Baby Bargains by Kimberly Danger 
    Who doesn't like to save money? This book has tips for moms and expectant mom's on how to save money once the baby gets here.

    Book 3: Montessori Today by Paula Polk Lillard
    It's supposed to be a great introductory book for anyone who's interested in Montessori education. I would love to get a little bit of a crash course, before this baby's born. I'm hoping this book will actually be able to help me, at least a little bit. 

    Book 4:Chaos & Flame by Tess Gratton & Justina Ireland
    I'm not a fan of picking up books that have been best sellers within the same year they're released. I want to make an exception with this book. When I think about a book that's fantasy based and has warring factions, and romance, it fuel's me with excitement. 

    Book 5: Buddhism for Bears by Claire Nielson & Chris Ridell
    I'm not Buddhist, but I saw this book at a store many years ago, but forgot all about it, until after I wrote out my Bear Mindfulness, exercises. I can learn a bit about Buddhism, and enjoy the fact that the book has a bear in it.  

    Book 6:  Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
    I know the story of Frankenstein, but I never actually read the book. What I've learned from past experiences, spoilers and the Cliff Notes for a book are not actually reading the book. It's time that I actually read a classic. 
      Gathering Blue, maybe a book for teens, but it is part of The Giver Quartet. With The Giver being one of my all-time favorite books, I found it only natural to want to pick up the other books in the series. 

    How about a story about a girl helping her dad with a ghost-themed Chicago bus tour?  That's what this spooky short book is about. Let's just say when I read that there was a review/blurb about the book from none other than R.L. Stine, saying that the book was a good read, I wanted to read it too. 

    Book 9: Disney Manga: Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas--Mirror Moon by Mallory Reaves 
     This book combines The Nightmare Before Christmas with manga for a whole new story that I know nothing about. After reading Long Live the Pumpkin Queen, I want to read more about my favorite Disney couple from one of my all-time favorite movies!

    Book 10: The Wind and The Willows by Kenneth Grahame 
    Another classical book I haven't actually read that  I would love to read. I only know the basics about Toad, Rat and Badger. I know this book is meant for beginner readers, but nonetheless, I still have yet to read it and know I probably should.

    I know, I'll end up writing a list with 10 more books that I want to read before I die, after reading these books. I'll probably have a reading bucket list a mile long when I'm through! That's okay, finding new books to read is just part of the adventure. For those of you who have a book bucket list, what books are on yours? If you don't have one are there books that you would like to read before you die?

    Sunday, May 21, 2023

    Get Your Dose of Amish Living, with The Amish Potato

    Here I am with another personal post, one where you get to see what goes on in my mind and what I’m watching just for fun. Today, I bring you The Amish Potato. I know the name makes you hungry, but it has nothing to do with potatoes as I once thought, at least I don’t think it does anyway.

    I wouldn’t have come across The Amish Potato if not for my nightly Anthony Padilla and Peter Santenello video watching, in combination with a curiosity for the Amish way of life, along with other ways of life. Because I’ve learned, you can’t learn about the way someone lives from an outsider.

      A Bit About the Potato Himself and his content

    The Amish Potato is a video series produced by CJ, a man who left the Amish church and grew up in Shipshewana, Indiana, not far from where I grew up and still live now. CJ goes into detail a little bit about what the Amish way of life is, even if the topic makes him feel uneasy (i.e. like women’s hygiene). He even talks a little bit about his life now, being a father and a husband. It’s a little bit of everything when it comes to CJ.

    Why I’ve been watching the videos

    Other than the obvious nightly binges and learning about different ways of life. I learned that all Amish communities are different, and run a different way. But since the community he was from was almost as local as I could get. 

    The funny thing is, I was watching his “Found It! Where Amish Buy Their Kid's Wooden Toys”, and can’t help but remember my grandparents especially my grandma taking me to Yoder’s. It was a place my grandparents took me to whenever they were in the area. I can almost remember the smell of the place. So maybe some of his videos are for some weird nostalgic value and a way to remember my grandparents.


    Obviously, I know most people won’t get the feeling of nostalgia as I did watching the video, but at least it gives people the insight of one of many Amish communities. CJ and his family seem like the chill kind of people that I could get along with. Sure there’s no fancy editing, and the videos are straight to the point, but it’s why I keep coming back. I encourage anyone who’s curious about the community to check it out. 

    Saturday, May 20, 2023

    9 Quotes to Help You Embrace Your Pregnancy Journey

    Some days, I need more than just a positive affirmation to feel good about my life. To embrace pregnancy, that's where looking up quotes online comes in. I love reading a good quote and thinking about it. That's why I've decided to share 9 of my favorite pregnancy quotes! Quotes that have you embracing the little life form that's in your womb!

     Quote #1: “It’s a great thing about being pregnant, you don’t need excuses to pee or eat.” ~Angelina Jolie

    Quote #2: “Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain ‒ your life will never be the same.” ~Catherine Jones

    Quote #3: “No matter how bad my day’s been, it takes one little kick to make everything feel alright.” ~Unknown Author

    Quote #4: “To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched—along with body—making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.” ~ Anne Christian Buchanan

    Quote #5:“In pregnancy, there are two bodies, one inside the other. Two people live under one skin. When so much of life is dedicated to maintaining our integrity as distinct beings, this bodily tandem is an uncanny fact.”~Joan Raphael-Leff

    Quote #6: “I just thought, ‘Oh, I'm going to hide this forever.’ But I ended up getting kind of excited to show the bump, as a badge of pride. Like...I’m a woman! Look at me making a human! I am a goddess!”~Olivia Wilde

    Quote #7: “When I was pregnant, I felt filled with life, and I felt really happy. I ate well, and I slept well. I felt much more useful than I’d ever felt before.” ~Suzanne Vega

    Quote #8: “It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing.”~ Angelina Jolie

    Quote #9: A good way to prepare yourself for parenthood is to talk to rocks because they have similar listening habits.” ~ Rodney Lacroix

    No matter what point you are in your pregnancy, there's a possibility that you may not be prepared for what comes next, but knowing that there are quotes, that make you feel less alone, that's what makes pregnancy easier to get through. If there are some quotes about pregnancy that are your favorite that haven't made the cut, that you'd like to me include for my following list of quotes leave them in the comment section, and I'll add it to my reader's favorite quotes post. 

    Friday, May 19, 2023

    The Importance of Mindful Self-Care During Pregnancy

    Self-love, mindfulness, and self-care are the trifecta of becoming the best parent you can be. All three are important since I haven’t talked about self-care yet. It’s time to do so. I did my homework, to,o and searched the interwebs so you don’t have to! Unless you really want to. Then more power to you mama! I too needed to remind myself about taking care of myself while my baby's brewing. Self-care by eating well, sleeping better, and reducing stress are very important now!

    Why Mindful Self-Care is Important

    When you show self-care, you're more intuned to what's going on inside of you. It helps you become less stressed and worried during pregnancy. Eating well, dieting, reducing stress, exercising, and sleeping well are part of self-care, and without these important pieces of the puzzle, your own health can be affected.  Yes, being able to take care of yourself also means that you'll be able to care for your little one once they get here. 

    7 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Pregnancy

    Listen to your body: Here's where your mindfulness practices can come into play, it's time to do some good old body scanning. Take time to take note of how you are feeling and respond to your needs.

    Creating a routine: If you're like me maybe setting a schedule or a routine can help. When creating your routine, remember that eating well, exercising, and even relaxation techniques all should be included. If you need help or suggestions creating your routine, don't be afraid to ask a doctor or a loved one, 

    Find a relaxation technique that works for you: Not everyone is going to like yoga, or reading a book to relax. Don't worry if you can't figure out what works the first time, or try something different if the technique isn't working anymore. 

    Have support and connections: It's okay to talk about your feelings and it's okay to be social, during pregnancy! If you need some connections a class, a prenatal support group (online or offline), and family and friends can all be options. I don't know your situation, but hopefully one of these is available. 

    Eat well: Try to eat a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water, even if drinking water is tough. For a little idea of what a balanced meal looks like during pregnancy, I found a photo of the "My Pregnancy Plate" from Oregon's Health and Science University (OSHU). I even try to remember using it when I'm hungry. 

    Find an exercise that works for you: Find an exercise you enjoy. Walking, swimming, and yoga are some ideas. As long as you listen to your body especially when it comes to discomfort or pain, and your prenatal care provider is okay with it, do whatever you want to help you engage in physical activity. 

    Get your rest: It isn't easy being pregnant and trying to sleep. The first trimester you're tired, but you're too nauseated to sleep, and as time goes on, it's not comfortable, but put your best effort into trying to sleep. Sleeping in a nice cool quiet room, and using pillows for support can help you sleep. Remember it's okay to take a nap during the day if you're able to. 

    If you're not taking care of yourself who will? Self-care doesn't have to be difficult, and it may take a while to get used to. That's okay, self-care makes you feel good! If you want more ideas on what to do for self-care, Munchkin and Mama Glow have many of ideas! 

    Wednesday, May 17, 2023

    From Bump to Baby: How to Bond with Your Little One Before Birth

    Bonding with your baby can start even before they’re born! It doesn’t matter how far along you are and you don’t need any fancy equipment, to bond with your baby. When your bonding with your baby, you reduce stress, promote fetal development, strengthen your bond with your baby, and even boost your confidence as a parent!

    Are you talking to your belly, touching your belly to let your baby know you’re around or are you thinking about the future between you and your unborn? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, surprise! You’re already bonding! But it doesn’t have to stop there, there are other ways you can bond with your baby it’s amazing, isn’t it?

    Why You Should Be Bonding

    Before I talk about things you can do to bond during your pregnancy I need to get some of the important stuff out of the way. You know the reasons why one should bond. Because the reasons why one should be bonding is very important.

    Cortisol and oxytocin are the feel-good, love hormones that reduce stress. Reducing stress is good for both mother and baby. You know how to release those hormones right? Your baby can sense your emotions and knows when you’re happy or sad, and chances are if you’re happier, they’ll feel more secure. And feeling secure in the womb will also make the baby feel secure outside o the womb.

    You know that cliché phrase about falling in love with your unborn before you met them? Bonding also gives the phrase a whole new meaning. You know you’re already attached by means of a cord, but you’re also attached by the interactions you’ve had together, even before they’re born.

    Ways you can bond with your baby

    If you want to bond and you can't think of anyways, these are just a few of the suggestions, there are more ways but these are some of the ways that can help you bond with your baby. 

    Talking to them:
    Just because they can’t carry on a conversation, you can talk to your baby. You can talk about your hopes and dreams for them, what you’re doing at the moment, or whatever it may be. I often talk to my son when I’m at the store, explaining what I’m buying and I explain what I’m eating before I eat it. Kind of my way of letting him know how things are.
    Singing and playing music: When you’re listening to music, it does many things such as relaxing mom, especially if the music is that feel-good kind music that makes you feel good. If you want to sing, it’s fine to sing to them as well, they don’t care if you can’t sing well, all you have to do is sing.

    Reading to your baby: It’s never too early to start reading. Reading short engaging stories in a calm tone to your unborn baby.

    Massaging your belly: If you want to relax, reduce stress, and stimulate circulation. You relax, and can even connect with your baby through touch.
    Do all of the above including your partner in the process: Your partner can also bond with your baby before they're born.

    Bonding with your baby costs nothing, and it’s a great way to relax yourself and connect with your unborn. Sing, read, talk, alone or with your partner. Way to go for wanting to bond with your baby! You can try one of my ideas or try your own, try to switch it up if you can. Unborn baby bonding is adorable and beautiful.

    Tuesday, May 16, 2023

    Make Pregnancy Fun with These 10 Funny Maternity Shirts

    Being confident, and comfortable, while making yourself laugh is great especially when you're pregnant. We all have those days when we don't feel comfortable or confident, our old clothes don't fit and now we're not sure what to wear. That's why I like finding funny maternity shirts online, something that will make me laugh, and reduce the stress of pregnancy.   Laughter is the best medicine after all? Here are some of the funniest shirts I found online.

    Why am I not glowing?
    Walmart: $18.99

    Dicara Design @ Esty: $29.94

    Coming Soon...Dinosaur
    Nerdy Shirts: $17.99

    $5 to touch $10 if the baby kicks
    StokykoTs @ Etsy: $25

    Don't Eat Watermelon Seeds
    Tee Garb: $25.95

    The Baby Made Me Eat It
    Crazy Dog: $18.99
    Keep Calm and Waddle on
    Cafepress: $45.99
    Fragile: Handle with Care
    Yummy Tees@Etsy: $24.94
    If you didn't put it there don't touch it
    Crazy Dog: $19.99
    No I did not steal a bowling ball
    Cafepress: $45.99

    Why wear a funny maternity shirt?

    With the boost of confidence and some positivity, that flows through you and your little human's veins there are still some other reasons why one might want to wear a funny maternity shirt. Making others around you laugh while pregnant, creates memories, memories that can cause you to bond with others. It's not just others that the shirt will help you bond with, but your baby who can feel your happiness! That's even better! Isn't it? 

    Humor during pregnancy is great, even if you're not wearing a shirt. But if you're looking to buy a gift for someone close to you that's pregnant or to buy one for yourself. There are many ideas online. I only got you started. 

    Transforming Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones: How Gratitude Can Help You Overcome Challenges

    I'm trying to think of a life without negative thoughts. They seem to be everywhere, and sometimes they feel suffocating sometimes don't they? Come to think of it what good have negative thoughts done for us? All I can think about is how it makes us feel unfulfilled, and unhappy, causing stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. That's why gratitude is important, this negativity needs to go! I want to kiss it goodbye. Don't you?

    Trying to Understand Negative Thoughts

    When I think of my wall of negative thoughts I hear Anita from Disney's 101 Dalmations say, "A 101? My, where did they all come from?" Because that's how it feels sometimes. I know they can come from anywhere, like past experiences and low-self esteem, and they can be the silliest negative thoughts. 

    Are you having negative thoughts? Some of the most common are self-doubt and self-criticism, negative expectations, catastrophizing, and overthinking. I'll be honest I checked all of the types of negative thoughts. Its great one recognizes their negative thoughts and recognizes that it can have harmful effects on our mental health and personal growth!  

    The Power of Gratitude 

    It's time to flip our negative thoughts upside down and harness the power of gratitude. It's not a magical power apparently, and it's easy to do. All you have to do is appreciate the good things in life. Once one appreciates the good things, stress goes down, our relationships get stronger and we're not as as anxious as we once were. Imagining the ice block of negativity melting away in my mind gives me room to decorate or something shouldn't it?  

    Transforming Negative Thoughts with Gratitude

    You, there is a way to transform all of your negative thoughts into beautiful thoughts with gratitude right? There's always a silver lining when stuff goes bad. Cliche? Perhaps a little, but cliche with a dash of happiness is good! 

    One way one can transform negative thoughts into gratitude is by journaling. Take a few minutes at the end of your day to talk about things that you are grateful for that have happened during the day. It doesn't even have to be anything major, a roof over your head and food in your stomach are things to be grateful for. Journaling helps us focus on what really matters in life. 

    Another magical trick I've heard about is affirmations and positive messages to ourselves. If there's a negative thought that you can flip and turn into a positive message, repeat the positive message to yourself when you have the old negative thought. I saw a list on Live and Bloom that gives a few examples of common negative messages and ways to replace them, which I may read and use a few of their examples when my negative thoughts come to play in my mind. 

    Remember that you're not the only one going through negative thoughts, and building positive relationships with others around you can both make you feel grateful and others feel grateful as well. Gratitude is contagious! It's one of those things that's okay to pass on to others! 


    It's time for to start this bit of contagious goodness, we all have the power inside of us. Sometimes it does take a little bit of journaling, some positive words, or even the power of friendship. Even if it takes work, our negative thoughts will eventually evaporate, leaving us happy, and making our life seem more fulfilling! 

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